Navy veteran Edward Crenshaw has developed P.E.R.C.E.V.D Principles: Preparing Employers to Reintegrate Combat Exposed Veterans with Disabilities, a dynamic new book that presents best practice methodologies for achieving diversity awareness and understanding issues such as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury (TBI) and other challenges facing transitioning veterans and people with disabilities.
P.E.R.C.E.V.D. also serves as a strategic, diversity road map for organizations wanting to eliminate disruptive stigma and create accommodating, conducive and flexible professional environments.
“The goal of P.E.R.C.E.V.D. is to bring awareness of combat-related diversity and disability issues in the workplace,” says CEO and Founder of DESTIN Enterprises, LLC, a Columbia, Maryland-based consulting firm, focusing on diversity training and specializing in veterans and disability issues. “The book supports the business case for diversity by illustrating how best-practice human resource methodologies can increase productivity, reduce costly absenteeism, attrition rates and eliminate stigma, while producing measurable forms of return on investments.”
There are keen insights that define the nuances between combat-related paradigms and corporate culture, and Crenshaw affectively illustrates a wide range of valuable perspectives, providing a simple explanation on medial disability conditions, legal, and compliance regulations.
“A carefully researched and well-written book, P.E.R.C.E.V.D. provides practical steps and expert guidance in the areas of hiring, developing, retaining and building an inclusive and disability-friendly work environment. Mr. Crenshaw offers a compelling business case along with powerful stories that illuminate our understanding of one of the most untapped, underutilized, and under appreciated segments of our population—our military and people with disabilities. It is cutting edge, timely and a must-read for every organization, every institution, and every American.” — Shirley A. Davis, PhD, Chief Global Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Society of Human Resource Management
P.E.R.C.E.V.D., based on the diversity training program created by DESTIN Enterprises, LLC, in association with Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran, and board-certified psychiatrist, Dr. Cynthia Washington, has garnered contributions from organizations with award-winning veterans and disability-friendly programs such as: Northrop Grumman, a leading global security company providing innovative systems, products and solutions in aerospace, electronics, information systems, and technical services to government and commercial customers worldwide, Merck Pharmaceuticals, a global healthcare leader, and Career Opportunities for Students with Disabilities (COSD), a unique and dynamic national professional association comprised of more than 600 colleges and universities and over 500 major national employers.
Mr. Crenshaw is a United States Navy veteran, public speaker, corporate and government trainer, author, publisher and CEO and Founder of DESTIN Enterprises, LLC, a Columbia, Maryland-based consulting firm, focusing on diversity training and specializing in veterans and disability issues.
If you would like more information about P.E.R.C.E.V.D., or to schedule an interview, speaking engagement or training session with Edward Crenshaw, please contact Steven E. LaBroi at To learn more about P.E.R.C.E.V.D., visit